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our church

Desert Hills Lutheran Church, a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), boasts a membership of 1,341 individuals, comprising 1,077 full-time and 264 part-time members. Situated in the serene retirement community of Green Valley, Arizona, Desert Hills Lutheran Church was established in 1984 by a group of forward-thinking individuals who shared a common vision: to create a place of worship that not only preached the gospel but also embraced all who hold love for the Lord and believed fervently in the boundless grace of God. To delve deeper into the essence of DHLC, browse our website.

The ELCA is one of the largest Christian denominations in the United States, with 3 million members in more than 8,600 worshiping communities across the 50 states and in the Caribbean region. Known as the church of "God's work. Our hands.," the ELCA emphasizes the saving grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, unity among Christians and service in the world. The ELCA's roots are in the writings of the German church reformer Martin Luther. To learn more about the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, click here.


At Desert Hills Lutheran Church, our mission is to:

Celebrate Grace

Every weekend we gather for worship at five different services. We gather to offer thanks and praise to God for loving, forgiving, and redeeming us so that we can make a difference in the world. We have different styles of worship, but we gather as one Lutheran body. At every worship, we recite our mission to celebrate grace, make disciples and make a difference. It is part of our ritual and it has changed our lives.

Make Disciples

Making disciples, starting with ourselves, is part of our three-fold mission, and adding one more and inviting people to come and see are two of our core values. Jesus invited us to make disciples; actually, he commanded us to make disciples just before his ascension, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew 28:1) We continue to grow faith-based small groups, expand our Stephen Ministry, and host other educational programs as part of growing our faith and influence. Every weekend we are given an assignment to dig deeper and help change the world one person at a time.

Make a Difference

Our faith encourages us to be active in love. We are invited and called by God to make a difference, to do good, seek justice, and walk humbly with our God as the prophet Micah told us. Last year, the church gave away over $400,000 to God’s mission in the world and for the needy. And, then there are countless hours of service as volunteers in numerous organizations.

Servant of Christ Award



We live daily by our core values:

1. Christ-Centered

We are a gathering of Christians centered around Christ. He is the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. If we move away from this core, we stop being Christians.

2. We Stand Level at the Foot of the Cross

As a community, we are aware that all people stand level at the foot of the cross in need of forgiveness. No groups or individuals are standing on higher ground above others. We all need the redemption of Christ crucified.

3. Excellent Mistakes Happen

As a community, we are aware that because we are sinful, mistakes will happen. When we learn from them, they become Excellent Mistakes for they help us find our way forward.

4. Laughter Liberates

As a community, we love to laugh and do so as often as possible.

5. Passion on Purpose

As a community, we have a passion to reach as many people as we can with the gospel of Jesus Christ and to make the biggest difference for good in our community. Time is short, so we have passion for a mission on purpose.

6. One More

We always want one more person to join our group. If we are a community called Desert Hills Lutheran, we will be happy only if at the end of the day, one more person has been invited or helped.

7. Come and See

In the Gospel of John, Jesus invites potential disciples to come and see. Our job as disciples of Jesus is to invite people to come and see worship and come and see our lives. We are not in charge of what they do, but we are told to invite them.

The History of Desert Hills Lutheran Church

♦ When Organized

The first service was held on December 4, 1984. Charter Sunday was November 24, 1985. Ninety-eight individuals became Charter Members. Of that number, 35 were Associate Members. As of 2015 four people from that group were still living. Today, only one Charter Member is still worshiping at Desert Hills Lutheran Church.

♦ First Building

The first worship service of DHLC was attended by 50 people in 1984, and by the time the congregation was officially organized in March 1986, there were 98 members. The first building was completed in 1989: Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, kitchen, and two offices. A loan of $1.5 million was borrowed on behalf of the 200 members. The first worship service in the building was Sunday, January 14, 1990, with the dedication of the building held on February 11, 1990.  

♦ Pastors

  • Rev. Willis Erickson was the founding Pastor (1984 to 1987).
  • Rev. Melvin Briere was Interim Pastor (1988).
  • Rev. Duane Lokken was Pastor (1988 to 2000).
  • Rev. Dr. Richard Lind was a part-time (October-May) Pastor (October 1999 to 2015).
  • Rev. Kenneth R. Ahlstrand was Interim Pastor (November 2001 to January 2003).
  • Rev. Dr. Martin Overson was Senior Pastor (February 2003 to May 2021).
  • Rev. Ken Nyhusmoen was Associate Pastor (December 2015 to June 2021)
  • Rev. Ron Glusenkamp was Interim Pastor (June 2021 to January 2022).
  • Rev. Roy Christell was Bridge Pastor (January 2022 to March 2022).
  • Rev. Mike Sager is Senior Pastor (since March 2022).
  • Rev. Craig Larson is Associate Pastor (since October 2022).

♦ Renovation of West Side

In 2005 members of the congregation removed a wall and took out two offices to make room for more seating on the west side of the sanctuary. 

♦  Corona de Tucson Mission

In May of 2008, DHLC  launched a second site mission in Corona de Tucson. After one year, mistakes were realized in the planning and implementation, and on April 25, 2009, it was shut down. However, they were all excellent mistakes. DHLC believed God was calling us to expand our own property instead.

♦  Second Building Project

On March 25, 2012, DHLC dedicated two additional buildings on our site, effectively doubling the size of our building. The cost was approximately $2.6 million, not including furnishings and equipment.

 New Organ

On April 21, 2013, the congregation approved raising funds for a new organ. The total cost was $215,000 and was raised in two months. Installation was in December 2013.

♦  Attendance

The average attendance in 2003 was 458 per week. The average attendance in 2014 was 935 per week. Average attendance in 2019, including online, was 1281 per week. Average attendance in 2023, including online, was 1,075 per week.

♦  Size of Desert Hills Lutheran

There are approximately 40 congregations in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America with an average attendance between 750 - 1,000 per weekend. Desert Hills Lutheran is in the top 0.4% of all ELCA in the United States in size. This just means we are a large Lutheran congregation. There are 1,341 active, associate, and winter members as of 2023. 

 History of Stained Glass Windows

The rose (round) window was the first to be installed shortly after the completion of the building. It depicts creation with Christ coming back into the world. The rose window begins in grand natural beauty, a scene of creation. God is represented by the loving and powerful hands that control and shape the vortex of living light. When looked at symbolically, God the Father can be seen in the hands, God the Son in the radiant star, and God the Holy Spirit in the seven flames. Jean Aspen, Aspen-Iron Studio, was the artist.

The triple window is titled “The Means of Grace” and emphasizes the Word of God and the Sacraments. There are a variety of symbols interwoven through the three panels on the south side of the sanctuary tying them together. There is the light coming from an unseen source and the grapes represent communion. In the left panel is the cross and crown of Jesus as King. Through this symbol flows the spiritual water, down and into the Baptismal Shell. The fish represents Christians and the butterfly, a universal symbol of spiritual transformation. The central panel holds the trinity figure with the light shining down through this symbol, illuminating the Word and touching the top of the mountain, which also represents spiritual truth. The right panel shows the descending dove of the Holy Spirit, surrounded by a golden radiance. The stalks of wheat at the bottom together with the grapes and chalice depict communion. The windows in the office area/Sunday School rooms after September 2001 use the butterfly, lily, and lamp which are Christian symbols. The etched windows surrounding the entrance to the Narthex and office area repeat the use of the Chalice, Baptismal shell, lily, butterfly, and lamp. The window between the Narthex and Nave is titled “The Vine of Life” with additional themes of the southwest and Holy Communion. The stained glass windows over the doors to the Nave repeat the theme of grape vines which is found in both the triple window and the etched window below it.