The Black Market Trust is an American Traditional Pop/Vocal Jazz group from Los Angeles who combine the sounds of the legendary American crooners and vocal groups with the fire...
Black Market Trust Concert
December 26, 2024
The Black Market Trust is an American Traditional Pop/Vocal Jazz group from Los Angeles who combine the sounds of the legendary American crooners and vocal groups with the fire...
December 26, 2024
January 01, 2025
Whether you are caring for a child, spouse, partner, parent, grandparent, or some other loved one, this caregiver group has been created specifically with you, the caregiver...
January 03, 2025
Bring unopened, nonperishable food to Desert Hills Lutheran Church during the first weekend of each month. Your donation helps stock the shelves of our local food banks.
January 05, 2025
Women’s Bible Study Women’s Bible Study with Christine Smith will continue Monday, February 5, at 9 am with Andy Stanley’s DVD, “Why Easter...
January 06, 2025
Men’s Photography meets the first Monday of each month at 1:30 pm. The group selects a Bible-based theme each month and brings photographs that fit the theme to share...
January 06, 2025