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Become a Member

Desert Hills Lutheran Church is a congregation of the
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

New Members’ Classes
Stepping into Membership


“I saw other neighbors when I got to DHLC and sat by them. Immediately, I felt the loving welcome from the members and their acceptance. I also discovered wonderful music, great preaching, and good food with fellowship,” Bruce shared. Bruce attended the new members’ class in March 2023. He has become active and enjoys many of DHLC’s activities.

Do you feel like you found your church family and wish to become an official Desert Hills Lutheran Church member? New members’ classes will be held on Thursdays from February 20 - through March 13 from 1 – 2 PM in Fellowship Hall; March 22 and 23 will be New Member Weekend.

During class, you will explore the mission and core values of Desert Hills Lutheran Church and what it means to be a Lutheran. A new member breakfast will be served during the last class, and a new member weekend recognition will be held on November 23-24.

To sign up or to learn more, contact the church office at 520-648-1633.

Bruce became a member of DHLC in March 2023.

I'd like more information about becoming a member.

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