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dhlc foundation

making a lasting difference

While preserving principal, DHLC Foundation distributes annual gifts that make a difference year after year.

  • Scholarships for Seminarians: Did you know that over 500 ELCA Lutheran churches do not have a pastor? DHLC Foundation helps fund the seminary education of men and women studying to become pastors to fill these pulpits so that more people will hear the good news of Jesus Christ.
  • Capital Investment at Desert Hills Lutheran Church: There will always be improvements, expensive repairs, and replacements to the buildings, equipment, and furnishings of the church and grounds. The Foundation helps when there are these needs, both the planned and unexpected.
  • Care and Christian Education for Children and Young Adults: Children and young adults are the future of our faith, and the Foundation wants to see that they have opportunities for spiritual growth that they may blossom into strong adult believers and leaders in faith communities. We make gifts to groups for retreats, missions, and other educational offerings.

building partnerships

Members of Desert Hills Lutheran Church are members of DHLC Foundation, and together they "Make a LASTING Difference."

There are many ways to make a lasting difference through your generous giving.

  • Make a gift during your life. Your support now can help in important ways and have significant tax advantages when you give appreciated stock to the DHLC Foundation and avoid capital gains tax.
  • Make a gift in your will or trust. Make a plan now to gift DHLC Foundation after your death to make a difference that lives beyond your lifetime.
  • Name DHLC Foundation as a beneficiary. Name the foundation as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy, annuity, individual retirement account (IRA), payable on demand (POD) account, or transfer on death (TOD) account, or other qualified plan account.
  • Make a gift of your residence upon your passing. You continue to live in, fully own your home, and retain full title until your death, when DHLC Foundation (as remainderman) is gifted all or part of your home.

creating a lasting legacy

The DHLC Foundation wants to assist you in your planning to "Make a LASTING Difference."

The DHLC Foundation holds its endowment with ELCA Foundation. They provide rich resources to help people plan their generosity. Click below for some of their tools.

  • ELCA Foundation Website
  • Your Planning Library
  • Gift Illustrator
  • Contact Lisa Higginbotham at