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Worship Ministry

Each worship service involves individuals who embody the spirit of service. There are several opportunities for sharing your time and talents.

  • Altar Guild manages communion supplies, sets up for communion and baptisms, and cares for altar linens, paraments, and candles.
  • Communion Servers assist the pastors with Holy Communion distribution during worship on the first and third weekends of each month.
  • Greeters provide a friendly welcome to worshipers as they arrive.
  • Scripture Readers deliver the Scriptures at weekend worship services.
  • Section Ambassadors build relationships with individuals who sit in their sections of the church.
  • Ushers seat worshipers, collect offerings, direct communion participants, and gather any items left in pews after services.
  • Welcome Desk provides information about Desert Hills Lutheran Church to those new or wishing to learn more about events and activities.


Music Ministry

Music plays a central role in worship at Desert Hills Lutheran Church.

Each of our ensembles spread the good news of God’s unconditional love during services throughout the year.

  • Celebration Singers rehearse 4:30 – 5:30 pm on Thursdays from fall to spring.
  • Chancel Choir rehearses 5:30 – 6:30 pm on Thursdays from fall to spring.
  • Chancel and Celebration Choirs rehearse on Thursdays from 4:30 – 6 pm in the summer.
  • Desert Bells rehearse 2:30 – 3:30 pm on Wednesdays from fall to spring.
  • Joy Ringers Bell Choir rehearses from 3 – 4 pm on Thursdays from fall to spring.
  • Men’s Chorus rehearses from 3:45 – 5 pm on Wednesdays from fall to spring.
  • Serenity Singers rehearse as needed.
  • Summer Bells rehearse on Thursdays from 3 – 4 pm in the summer.
  • Voices of Miriam rehearse on Tuesdays from 3:45 – 5 pm from fall to spring.