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A Bit Intimidated

August 07, 2024

“‘Imagine how special a child will feel when they are gifted this,’ one wonderful Sewing Bee lady told me about a contribution I had sewn for a Sewing Bee’s children’s project,” Annie shared. “I couldn’t help but notice a few tears gathering in the corners of my eyes when I pictured the joy of a child receiving this quilt and knowing I had been able to make a difference.” 

“From the first day learning about the Sewing Bee, I was curious. But seeing the beautiful projects the ladies were constructing, I felt a bit intimidated and wondered if I really could be helpful in that group. I started slowly, donating a few yards of fabric I had kept in my 20-year-old ‘retired’ sewing box. I was unsure whether I should or could even sew again.” But, as Annie has said many times, “The laughter, friendships, and absolute love radiating from the ladies on Tuesday mornings is contagious! I could not stay away. I discovered the skill levels ranged from no sewing experience to expert quilter.” Annie was sure she could find a place among them, and she has.

“Dipping my toes into the shallow end of the pool, so to speak, I checked out one of the pre-cut kits that the DHLC Cut-Kits group prepares for home sewers, and in what felt like a full-circle moment to me, I realized the kit was made from the very fabric I had donated! What a blessing it was to me knowing that I could bless somebody in such a way, while also making life-long friendships with a group of ladies who want to use their lives to make a difference, having fun while doing it. As time progressed, I saw more and more of what the Sewing Bee ladies do, and I became astonished at how much they give of themselves to bring joy to others. I learned about their many projects and how they show God’s love to others.” Annie heartfully said, “The Sewing Bee has become a blessing to me, allowing me to experience true joy knowing that my hands are helping to make a difference.” 

Making a difference is a widely shared goal at Desert Hills Lutheran Church. With everyone doing their part, we are God’s hands reaching out to others. We can extend that reach far into the community by volunteering with groups and committees at Desert Hills Lutheran Church.

Tags: donations, quilts, sewing bee, cut kits

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