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Estate Sales Ministry Announces Donations

June 11, 2024

Making a Difference Today

The DHLC Estate Sales team completed a very successful season of sales helping families deal with the challenges of downsizing or closing a household. With the church’s portion of the proceeds from these sales, $20,000 in benevolent giving was recently made, $5,000 to each of the following organizations or ministries: St. Andrew’s Children Clinic for their important medical work; RISE Scholastic that helps Mexican youth in Nogales go to college; Casa de la Misericordia (thru Grand Canyon Synod of the ELCA) for folding chairs, kitchen and dining equipment, and other needs; and the DHLC Foundation for future scholarships for seminarians.

Additionally, the Estate Sales team agreed to fund $20,000 toward the much-needed repair of the moveable walls in the Fellowship Hall. These walls go in and out all week long and make the various ministries that occur in that space possible.

Making a Lasting Difference

Estate Sales recently donated $5,000 to the DHLC Foundation. This is a perpetual gift which over the next 10 years will grow to $9,500 while generating $2,900 in gifts. The Foundation’s mission is to support ELCA pastors in training, donate to Christian education, and assist with capital projects at DHLC. The Foundation currently provides three $9,000 scholarships to students in the seminary. Our goal is to double that number in the near term. The Foundation Board sincerely thanks the hardworking Estate Sales team for their generosity and making a lasting difference.

Tags: donations, difference, estate sales

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