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My Purpose

September 04, 2024

“I lost my husband in December and was grieving,” Joanne shared, “but I was grieving a loss of my purpose as well.” Joanne attended a “Surviving the Holidays” program at Desert Hills Lutheran Church. “I did not know anyone; however, I immediately felt a connection to the people and asked Chaplain Mark to do an internment service for my husband. It was a blessing being led here. This was the way my life was meant to be.”

“During the next month, a friend invited me to attend services at Desert Hills. I was never invited to a service before. I cried through the whole thing from grief. I came back again and decided I wanted to be here. The people, music, and Bible message comforted me from day one.”

“I attended the GriefShare group in February. I was looking for peace, comfort, and something to bring me purpose in life. I found it during these classes and in the services. I tried every service and found that the 11 am Sunday service was best for me. It’s not crowded, the music is great, and it makes me feel like the pastor is speaking directly to me without all the distractions of a larger service.”

Joanne also became involved in other church activities, including Saturday Suppers. “Fellowship is important. I love to be around people and talk to strangers to find out about them. In Fellowship Hall, you can sit down with people you don’t know and learn all about them. My phone list has grown extensively. I even volunteer for Saturday Suppers. This brings me joy, purpose, and meaning. I am thrilled to be working in the kitchen. It is my refuge, my happy place.”

“Since coming to Desert Hills, I invite others to attend and sit with them. I invite them to participate in fellowship as everyone is welcome. I read my Bible and pray daily, which I never did before. I have become a better person. Desert Hills helped me through my grieving and gave me the strength to continue thriving. Some days are still hard, and I’m participating in GriefShare again in September.”

“I didn’t know what celebrating grace, making disciples, and making a difference meant or how it affected my life eight months ago. Now, I know. I make a difference in volunteering here and it makes a difference in me.”

Join Joanne and others as they experience their purpose at Desert Hills Lutheran Church. There are many opportunities to get involved. Come and see where you fit.

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