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Pastoral Care Ministry

Makes a difference in the lives of members and visitors by providing a variety of groups and services to help make life easier.

Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers are members of Desert Hills Lutheran Church’s congregation who take 50 hours of training to provide one-to-one care to those experiencing a challenging time in life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, or relocation. Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life, but they all share a passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need. They listen, console, empathize, and help during a once-a-week hourly meeting with their care receiver. Please contact the church office to learn more about this confidential care. Click here to view a short video to learn more.

Healing Meals

Preparing and delivering meals to individuals or families experiencing a short-term need or crisis is what Healing Meals does. This is a way to practice hospitality, express love, and provide comfort in a time of grief and loss

Special Occasion Cards Ministry

Sending a special card and prayer that provides supportive, healing, and loving thoughts is how members of the Special Occasion Cards Ministry make a difference in the lives of those in need.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Wrapping the love of Desert Hills Lutheran Church around those in need is the spiritual ministry that makes shawls with prayer, compassion, and love. Prayer shawls are given to those in need of comfort, warmth, and peace while undergoing medical procedures, hospitalization, bereavement, or stress.

A Friendly Visit

A Friendly Visit matches individuals (hosts) who may be homebound or have limited access to activities away from home but are craving some casual conversation with others (visitors). These hosts can contact the Desert Hills Lutheran Church office and share their interests in having a friendly visit once a week for good fellowship and safe conversation with a visitor.


Grieving is a personal journey that everyone takes after losing a loved one. For some, the journey is longer and perhaps more difficult than for others, but each journey does not need to be traveled alone. Twice a year, the GriefShare program is offered to members and visitors of Desert Hills Lutheran Church. The GriefShare program runs for thirteen weeks and covers the journey from “Mourning to Joy.” Please contact the church office for more information.

Pastoral Care Team Visits

All people go through difficult times during their life and need God’s healing. If you would like a visit from a member of the Pastoral Care Team, please contact the church office to schedule a visit.

A Safe Harbor for Caring Hearts

A Safe Harbor for Caring Hearts provides a safe and confidential environment for caregivers to discuss their current situations and offer each other support. Meetings are the first, third, and fifth Friday of each month from 1 – 2:30 pm.

Flower Ministry

Each week the altar flowers are rearranged into smaller bouquets by a group of individuals who have a passion for flower arrangements. These bouquets are then distributed by Wednesday Bible Study members to ill, bereaved, or hospitalized friends or those celebrating special occasions.