2024 Synod Assembly

Pastors Mike Sager and Craig Larson and five delegates from the congregation attended the Grand Canyon Synod Assembly in Mesa held on June 14-15. The DHLC delegates were Linda and Mike Touzeau, Carol Bates-Smith, Judy Payton, and Julie Winrich.

July 09, 2024

Pastors Mike Sager and Craig Larson, along with five delegates from the congregation, attended the Grand Canyon Synod Assembly in Mesa held on June 14-15. The DHLC delegates were Linda and Mike Touzeau, Carol Bates-Smith, Judy Payton, and Julie Winrich.

The synod assembly is an annual meeting to conduct the business of the church.  This year, the election for the office of bishop took place. Bishop Deborah Hutterer was eligible to be elected to a second six-year term. Early in the gathering, the first ballot was cast for the office of bishop. Before the results were announced, there was worship with communion, followed by the review of synod-wide financials and a proposed ministry spending plan for the coming year.

The first ballot results were then announced, and Bishop Hutterer was reelected to serve as bishop with 201 votes of the 267 cast, obviating the need for any further votes. The DHLC delegation was elated with Bishop Hutterer’s acceptance of another term as our spiritual leader.

There were excellent Bible study sessions led by Rev. Dr. Colleen Windham Hughes from California Lutheran University, using the synod theme, “Embody the Word.” There were various breakout sessions for the delegates to attend, and rostered ministers and congregations celebrating milestone anniversaries were recognized.

The synod assembly concluded midday Saturday and was followed by Diakonia graduation for those who were able to stay and attend. The DHLC delegation found the synod assembly to be an interesting and learning experience. One delegate observed, “My biggest takeaway from this gathering was how the entire ELCA church is focused on service and outreach. I finally understand the heart of this church.”

Note: Each fall, a nominating committee seeks voting members of DHLC to stand for election as delegates for the coming year’s synod assembly. In 2025, the assembly will be held in Las Vegas on June 13-14. If you are interested in serving the larger church in this way, please contact the church office for more information.

Tags: elca, dhlc, grand canyon synod assembly

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