Thankoffering Weekend a Success

The annual WELCA Thankoffering and Quilts on the Pews event provides important support for Women's ministry at DHLC.

March 06, 2024

Lutheran women’s Thankofferings and worship services were first established in 1889 and still continue to this day. Thankofferings provide protection, safety, and essential needs of women and children both here in the US and around the world. Every February at DHLC we collect a special offering to reflect our gratitude for all of God’s blessings in our lives and then send it off to share with those less fortunate churchwide. Our donations continue to support the Revs. Herbert and Corrine Chilstrom Scholarship Fund for Women Seminarians and the WELCA grants for women and children in crisis. This year the Thankoffering collection raised $4,000!

In conjunction with the WELCA Thankoffering weekend, the Sewing Bee displayed their beautiful quilts on the pews. This is the only time quilts are displayed prior to the boutique in November. Members buy them for a grandchild who is graduating or getting married or for a new great-grandchild in the family. And, they buy them for themselves to cuddle under. Many of the quilts feature a Bible verse in the machine quilting, which is also be included on the tag. This year the Sewing Bee raised $3,255 from the sale of quilts that were displayed on the pews.

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