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7 PM Mid-week Lenten Worship Service

7 PM Mid-week Lenten Worship Service

March 19, 2025 7:00pm

Address: Desert Hills Lutheran Church, 2150 S. Camino del Sol, Green Valley, AZ US 85622

Luke’s Gospel tells us of a youthful Jesus who “grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and humankind.” It would be easy to say ‘Of course!  After all, he is God, isn’t he?’ But wouldn’t that overlook the truth that this remarkable growth of body and spirit happened in a maturing human person who lived in a complex and conflict-filled time, who yet found a way of living that, even today, touches the world with God’s life-giving generosity of grace?

The Bible Jesus knew included the stories and writings of several prophets, including Samuel, Elijah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Hosea, along with many others: books we often overlook in the Bible.

On the Lenten Wednesdays between Ash Wednesday and Holy Week, Pastor Dennis Nelson will lead us in discovering how the Bible’s prophets were transformed by deepening faith in God’s unfailing love for all people that brings hope and direction to every generation, including our own.

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