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1:30 PM Spiritual Practices to Resurrection

1:30 PM Spiritual Practices to Resurrection

April 4, 2025 1:30pm

Address: Desert Hills Lutheran Church, 2150 S. Camino del Sol, Green Valley, AZ US 85622

We are all in bondage to...something. Some addictions are more visible, but all of us are oppressed (and for that matter, oppressors). We all tend to forget that there is a God - and we are not God. We end up with broken relationships, loss of communion with our true, In-Christ selves, you name it - we end up with troubles related to our forgetfulness. Those who have had very visible afflictions are given the gift of desperation. And it is a beautiful by-product of desperation, as we seek to recover our faith, that we've re-discovered some ancient, traditional spiritual practices. These spiritual practices align with the work of recovery and faith. In these nine films, we captured the experience, strength, and hope of our friends who are using these practices: silence, empathy, compassion, living transparently, waking up, surrender, powerlessness, deep listening, and service. This is their gift to the listener - out of the rubble of a life in bondage, resurrection gardens grow. 

The class will meet from 1:30 to 2:30 PM in the chapel each Friday starting March 7 for six weeks. Space is limited to 30 individuals. Please sign up at the church office.

 Date                                                                            Topic

March 7                                                                       Powerlessness

March 14                                                                     Surrender

March 21                                                                     Waking Up

March 28                                                                     Living Transparently & Compassion

April 4                                                                          Empathy & Service

April 11                                                                       Silence & Deep Listening

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