From Worry to Relief - Saturday 3 PM
Series: Epiphany
Part of our nature is to worry, but the trick is not to allow worry to get in the way of our clear thinking. This weekend, we heard the worry of the party planners: “There is no more wine.” Mary goes to Jesus and says, “Do Something.” Jesus listens to his mom, and suddenly there is an abundance of wine – not just any wine, but the best wine. John places this at the beginning of his Gospel to introduce the type of kingdom that God has brought into the world through his Son, Jesus. It will be a kingdom beyond our imagination, based on an abundance of caring, hope, love, and compassion. As people of God, may we in confidence lay our cares, concerns, and worries at our Lord’s feet.
Dig Deeper:
When were you worried and finally allowed God to handle it?

Pastor Craig Larson
Associate Pastor
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